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TruGrind Core - We are here to help provide self awareness & help develop that grind mentality/mindset in every aspect of life starting with health and fitness..


Meaning Of Grind "To be polished or sharpened"

"To perform a monotonous task or action over and over in order to attain a goal."


TruGrind Vision

We are deliberate in:

  • engaging with the community

  • earning trust

  • caring and showing off our TruGrind family


TruGrind Mentality

  1. Respect The Grind: Show discipline, focus on progress not perfection. Practice patience and persistent toil. Be consistent and it will come.

  2. Grow & Learn: Learn from everything. Once you know better you do better. Learn from your setbacks so you don't repeat them, it will help you grow.

  3. Take action: Don't just sit and watch, engage. Lead by example give back & contribute, inspire.

  4. Accountability: Take responsibility hold each other accountable

  5. Fun: Have Fun enjoy your time










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